• Type: Blood

Pre-Marriage Screening - UAE | Certified Test for Sickle Cell, STIs & Rubella

£357.00 GBP

No appointment needed

Laboratory test

Photo ID needed such as passport or driving license

Results by e-mail

This is a test for one person


Product description


Our UAE Pre-Marriage Screening test is specially tailored to meet the medical requirements for couples planning to marry in the United Arab Emirates. This all-in-one screening package checks for essential genetic conditions, infectious diseases, and immunity status to help couples make informed choices about their future together.

Included Blood Tests:

  1. Blood group (ABO) and Rhesus factor (D positive or negative)
  2. Haemoglobin Electrophoresis: Detects sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemia
  3. STI test: Syphilis, HIV, Hepatitis B (HBsAg) , Hepatitis C (Anti-HCV) 
  4. Rubella antibodies (IgG)

Why Choose This Test? 

This screening helps identify serious inherited blood conditions. Carriers of sickle cell or beta thalassaemia may be healthy, but if both partners are carriers, there's a 1 in 4 chance their child will inherit the disease. Early detection helps couples make informed decisions and avoid future complications. This test is required by many countries, including UAE, to protect future generations.

Please note that having alpha thalassaemia does not give any major medical problems.

Rubella screening also ensures protection during pregnancy.


Receive your results securely via email in 4 working days*. Signed and stamped hard copies available on request.


Our doctors are registered signatories with the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), ensuring your results are globally recognised.

*Indicative timings only—actual results may vary slightly.

How does it work?

1. Purchase Pre-marriage package online with full name and date of birth. We can add tests upon request.

2. Attend Patient Reception for your tests at a walk-in laboratory in London.

3. You will recieve a text message notification when your results are ready. They will be sent to you discreetly by email. We can also send a physical copy signed and stamped by a doctor upon request.

How tests are done?

Blood tests are taken by a trained phlebotomist

Date of Birth Requirement

All laboratories need information regarding the client to identify their individual sample.

Without these details, tests cannot be done.

The minimum requirement is the full name and date of birth.

You can enter these details securely in 'Order Special Instructions' at the CART stage of the order process. Alternatively, you can email these to us at: info@stitest.london

Photo ID Requirement

All pre-marriage tests need a photo ID to be shown at Patient Reception at the time of the test.

This is because pre-marriage test results are often shown to embassies or other agences.

Only a valid passport or driving license is accepted.

Originals must be shown. No copies or images on a phone.


The Doctors Laboratory

76 Wimpole Street



See map at bottom of this page

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Pre-Marriage Screening - UAE | Certified Test for Sickle Cell, STIs & Rubella

£357.00 GBP


Patient Reception

The Doctors Laboratory

76 Wimpole Street



Mon - Fri: 7am - 7pm
Saturday: 7am - 1pm
Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed


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